The different steps to compute the photo-z (see also figure):
1. $LEPHAREDIR/source/sedtolib generates a binary file with a fixed format independent of the original SED library. An output binary file and associated informations are stored in $LEPHAREWORK/lib_bin
2. $LEPHAREDIR/source/filter selects a set of filters and stores it in a single file in $LEPHAREWORK/filt
3. $LEPHAREDIR/source/mag_gal reads the template and filter libraries stored in $LEPHAREWORK and computes the theoretical apparent magnitudes and k-corrections in each band, along a grid of redshift. Additional dust extinction can be applied at this level. This library and the related informations are stored in $LEPHAREWORK/lib_mag.
4. $LEPHAREDIR/source/zphota runs the photometric redshift program (the three previous steps need to be done). This program can also compute the absolute magnitudes, stellar masses, ... The spec-z can be used if known.
The list of commands can be run from unix shell with this syntax:
% prog-name -c configuration-file [-Parameter value] ...
where prog-name is the name of the program, followed by a configuration
file called with -c configuration-file and a list of parameters.
Any -Parameter value statement in the command-line overrides the
values written in the configuration file. The part enclosed within brackets is
optional, if not specified they are taken from the configuration file.
An help on-line is also available with the syntax : % prog-name -h (or -help)
Configuration file
All the parameters associated to the various programs are put in the
configuration file $LEPHAREDIR/config/zphot.para with exception of the
simulation program.
The format for the configuration file is ASCII :
• Only one parameter must be set per line.
• Values for the keywords can be : String, Float or Integer.
• Parameters can accept one or several values, which must then be
separated by comma.
• Environment variable, written as $VARIABLE in the configuration file,
should be recognized and expanded.
• All parameters do not play the same role. The important ones have to be
explicitly defined while the others have been assigned a default value and
can be omitted ( with a “#”).