% cd $LEPHAREDIR/source
If you need to recompile, you should clean first the sources:
% make clean
% make (or make -f Makefile)
Note that you may need to change options in the Makefile.
make will create automatically (if not existing yet) the subdirectories
required inside the $LEPHAREWORK directory. It can also be done
separately with: % make work
Local installation
Put the tar file in the directory you want to install the code (/your-path):
% cd /your-path
% tar -zxvf lephare_dev_v2.2.tar.gz
LePhare package will be installed in this directory :
If you use additional SED libraries tar files
% cd /your-path
% tar -zxvf SED_BC03.tar.gz
Note that you may need to change options in the Makefile.
make will create automatically (if not existing yet) the subdirectories
required inside the $LEPHAREWORK directory. It can also be done
separately with: % make work
Set environment variables
Before compiling/running the code, two variables must be defined:
% setenv LEPHAREDIR /your-path/lephare_dev
(or export LEPHAREDIR='/your-path/lephare_dev')
% setenv LEPHAREWORK /your-path/lepharework
(or export LEPHAREWORK='/your-path/lepharework')
* LEPHAREDIR is the location where you installed the package.
This path will be used to get all the ingredients required to run the
programs. Inside this structure you are not supposed to write files.
* LEPHAREWORK is the directory where all the intermediate products
generated by the code are saved. It can be set the same as
$LEPHAREDIR, but we recommend to save your own work
somewhere else.
When compiling, three directories are created in $LEPHAREWORK:
filt (for filters), lib_bin (for libraries in binary), lib_mag (for apparent magnitudes and k-corrections in binary).
For Mac if you need the g77 or gfortran compiler, we suggest to
download it from here :
and follow the steps for the installation.