Galex Release EMphot 3

File naming conventions

EMPhot produces various output files, mostly FITS files (images and catalogs), but also DS9 region files and some plots available in PS or PDF. File names are build with the following convention:

  • Following the GALEX convention, the band can be nd for NUV, fd for FUV, xd for band-merged.
  • The prior_v3 string identify the version of EMPhot.
  • The type of run (run_type) can be composed of several string:
    • ref for stamps with the GALEX background.
    • bgfromdiff for stamps with the recomputed background.
    • dirac-[ref|bgfromdiff] for diracs.
    • [ref|bgfromdiff]-SIMU for partial simulations.

Description of the columns of output catalogs

The final catalog <field>-xd-prior_v3-merged-cat.fits is a merged catalog which combines the output for the two bands, NUV and FUV, and the two methods, dirac and stamp.

The FITS header of this merged catalog is actually a copy of the header of the NUV run with stamps and the recomputed background. It contains the following information:

  • EMPhot parameters.
  • Information on the run (date of processing, processed surface, ...).
  • Several useful keywords copied from the GALEX header (ZPMAG, exposure times, ...).

Detailed description


The ident column contains the original CFHTLS ident if only one prior catalog was used. For W1 fields, as we use several prior catalogs to cover a GALEX field, we need to produce a unique ident. Hence, the CFHTLS ident are shifted with an offset, whose value can be found in the IDOFFSET FITS keyword.


If you need to retrieve the original CFHTLS ident for a given source, you must subtract N * IDOFFSET, where N is the index of the origin CFHTLS catalog in the OPTCAT FITS keyword. IDOFFSET is computed as the power of 10 above the maximum ident in all the source catalogs. Typically IDOFFSET = 1000000.

The OPTCAT FITS keyword contain the complete list of prior catalogs that have been given as input to EMPhot (for XMMLSS/W1 this is the list of all the CFHTLS catalogs for that region). The PRIORLST FITS keyword contain the subset of catalogs that actually have priors in the current GALEX field. The CFHTLS_CAT column can be used to retrieve the name of the original CFHTLS catalog containing this source (it refers to a FITS catalog as we converted CFHTLS ascii catalogs to FITS).


FLUX_ and MAG_ columns use the same units as the GALEX columns: fluxes in counts per second, and magnitudes computed with the formula:

\begin{equation*} MAG = -2.5 \log_{10}( FLUX ) + ZPMAG \end{equation*}

where ZPMAG = 20.08 (NUV) and 18.82 (FUV).


The SNR is computed as the ratio of the flux and the flux error:

\begin{equation*} SNR = \frac{FLUX}{FLUX_{err}} \end{equation*}


The NUV_FLAG and FUV_FLAG columns consist in a combination of the following binary flags :

  • 0/1 : inside a region of the GALEX mask files.
  • 0/2 : inside a region of the CFHTLS mask files.
  • 0/4 : negative stamps.


The initial values for the iterative algorithm are taken from the U band magnitudes of the CFHTLS. These values are given in the FLUX_INI and MAG_INI columns.


For the processing, the image is divided with a grid of tiles, whose dimension is given by the TSIZE_X and TSIZE_X FITS header keywords (128 pixels for the current release). The TILE_ columns give values for the tile in which the source lies.

  • TILE_LIKHD gives the log likelihood :
\begin{equation*} \log L(\mathbf{x}, \mu) = -\sum_{i=1}^M {\mu_i}+\sum_{i=1}^M x_i\log{\mu_i} \end{equation*}
  • TILE_QUIETS_RATE gives the ratio of undetected (unactive) sources over total number of prior. A source is considered unactive if its flux is below the minimum flux (given by the MINFLUX FITS keyword, in number of photons, 10 in this release) at least N times (given by the QUIETNB FITS keyword, 3 in this release).


The *_MIX columns result from the merge of GALEX and EMPhot dirac columns:

  • We first match EMPhot catalog positions (X,Y) with GALEX original xd-mcat catalog (Tolerance = 2 arcsec).

    NOTE: We only consider GALEX sources with a match in EM catalog (with optical counterpart).

  • If NUV(GALEX) < 21.75 (same for both FUV, NUV filters), we use the GALEX values:


    Otherwise MAG_MIX is the EMPhot magnitude from the dirac method.

  • Making flags (FLAG_MIX, NFLAG_MIX, IDFLAG_MIX):

    We use the SEXtractor ellipses of bright GALEX sources (from GALEX pipeline) to investigate if crowding can affect their photometry :

    • FLAG_MIX:

      • FLAG_MIX=0 : EM phot. & outside ellipses of bright sources
      • FLAG_MIX=2 : EM phot. & inside ellipses of bright sources
      • FLAG_MIX=1 : GALEX phot. & with no neighbors inside ellipse
      • FLAG_MIX=3 : GALEX phot. & with neighbors inside ellipse
    • NFLAG_MIX:

      For each bright GALEX primary source with neighbors inside its ellipse, we measure the number of neighbors within 4 range of flux ratios (F_neighbor / F_galex_primary):

      N1 = Number of  neighbors with        Fnei/Fgal < 1/10
      N2 = Number of  neighbors with 1/10 < Fnei/Fgal < 1/2
      N3 =       "        "          1/2  < Fnei/Fgal < 2
      N4 =       "        "                 Fnei/Fgal > 2
      • we force N1,N2,N3,N4 < 10 so that NFLAG_MIX = N1 + N2*10 + N3*100 + N4*1000
      • Both the primary GALEX source and its neighbors share the same NFLAG_MIX.
      • All neighbors have the ID of the GALEX primary source saved in IDFLAG_MIX.
  • A primary GALEX source with FLAG_MIX=3 (with some neighbors) and with NFLAG_MIX<10 should have a GALEX flux not significantly affected by crowding. If NFLAG_MIX>100 then at least one neighbor has a flux comparable to the primary GALEX source. Therefore pipeline GALEX flux can be uncertain.

Columns from the EMPhot algorithm

Name Unit Definition
IDENT [number] Identifier GREM
ALPHA [deg] Right Ascension GREM (J2000) details
DELTA [deg] Declination GREM (J2000) details
X_IMAGE [pixel] Object position along X
Y_IMAGE [pixel] Object position along Y
DX_MATCH [pixel] X shift due to the astrometric correction
DY_MATCH [pixel] Y shift due to the astrometric correction
NUV_DX_MAXLIKE [pixel] X shift due to the recentering per tile
FUV_DX_MAXLIKE [pixel] X shift due to the recentering per tile
NUV_DY_MAXLIKE [pixel] Y shift due to the recentering per tile
FUV_DY_MAXLIKE [pixel] Y shift due to the recentering per tile
NUV_TILEX [number] X indice of the tile to which the source belongs
FUV_TILEX [number] X indice of the tile to which the source belongs
NUV_TILEY [number] Y indice of the tile to which the source belongs
FUV_TILEY [number] Y indice of the tile to which the source belongs
A_IMAGE [number] Profile RMS along major axis (from CFHTLS, rescaled to galex pixels)
B_IMAGE [number] Profile RMS along minor axis (from CFHTLS, rescaled to galex pixels)
THETA_IMAGE [deg] Position angle (CCW/x) (from CFHTLS, not modified)
KRON_RADIUS [pixel] Kron apertures in units of A or B (from CFHTLS, minored to 3.5)
NUV_FLUX_STAMP [flux] Flux estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior
NUV_FLUX_DIRAC [flux] Flux estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior
FUV_FLUX_STAMP [flux] Flux estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior
FUV_FLUX_DIRAC [flux] Flux estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior
NUV_FLUX_ERR_STAMP [flux] Flux error estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior (details)
NUV_FLUX_ERR_DIRAC [flux] Flux error estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior (details)
FUV_FLUX_ERR_STAMP [flux] Flux error estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior (details)
FUV_FLUX_ERR_DIRAC [flux] Flux error estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior (details)
NUV_SNR_STAMP [number] Signal to noise ratio with a stamp psf convolved prior
NUV_SNR_DIRAC [number] Signal to noise ratio with a dirac psf convolved prior
FUV_SNR_STAMP [number] Signal to noise ratio with a stamp psf convolved prior
FUV_SNR_DIRAC [number] Signal to noise ratio with a dirac psf convolved prior
NUV_MAG_STAMP [mag] Mag estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior
NUV_MAG_DIRAC [mag] Mag estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior
FUV_MAG_STAMP [mag] Mag estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior
FUV_MAG_DIRAC [mag] Mag estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior
NUV_MAG_ERR_STAMP [mag] Mag error estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior (details)
NUV_MAG_ERR_DIRAC [mag] Mag error estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior (details)
FUV_MAG_ERR_STAMP [mag] Mag error estimated using a stamp psf convolved prior (details)
FUV_MAG_ERR_DIRAC [mag] Mag error estimated using a dirac psf convolved prior (details)
NUV_BACKGD_STAMP [?] Mean estimated background under the object, with stamp psf convolved prior
NUV_BACKGD_DIRAC [?] Mean estimated background under the object, with dirac psf convolved prior
FUV_BACKGD_STAMP [?] Mean estimated background under the object, with stamp psf convolved prior
FUV_BACKGD_DIRAC [?] Mean estimated background under the object, with dirac psf convolved prior
NUV_FLAG [number] Flag
FUV_FLAG [number] Flag
FLUX_INI [flux] Inital flux given to the iterative estimation
MAG_INI [mag] Inital mag given to the iterative estimation
NUV_NC_R1 [number] NUV neighbor count in radius R1 (5")
FUV_NC_R1 [number] FUV neighbor count in radius R1 (5")
NUV_NC_R2 [number] NUV neighbor count in radius R2 (10")
FUV_NC_R2 [number] FUV neighbor count in radius R2 (10")
NUV_NC_R3 [number] NUV neighbor count in radius R3 (30")
FUV_NC_R3 [number] FUV neighbor count in radius R3 (30")
NUV_NN_DIST [arcsec] Distance to the NUV nearest neighbor
FUV_NN_DIST [arcsec] Distance to the FUV nearest neighbor
NUV_MAG_MIX [mag] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot magnitude (see above)
FUV_MAG_MIX [mag] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot magnitude (see above)
NUV_MAG_ERR_MIX [mag] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot magnitude error (see above)
FUV_MAG_ERR_MIX [mag] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot magnitude error (see above)
NUV_FLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot flag (see above)
FUV_FLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot flag (see above)
NUV_NFLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot neighbors (see above)
FUV_NFLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot neighbors (see above)
NUV_IDFLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot ID (see above)
FUV_IDFLAG_MIX [number] Mixed GALEX / EMPhot ID (see above)
TILE_LIKHD [number] Log likelihood value of the whole tile to which the source belongs
TILE_MNBKGD [number] Mean NUV background in the tile to which the source belongs
TILE_NOPT [number] Number of priors in the tile to which the source belongs
TILE_QUIETS_RATE [number] Ratio of undetected sources over total number of prior
TILE_TTLFLUX [number] Total estimated flux
PRIOR_CAT [string] Name of the prior catalog for this source
CFHTLS_CAT [string] Name of the original CFHTLS catalog for this source

Columns from the CFHTLS catalog

The columns with a _CFHTLS suffix are simply copied from the CFHTLS catalogs. Two additionnal columns are added to reference the CFHTLS catalogs that have been used to process the field. For each source, CFHTLS_CAT gives the U band CFHTLS catalog (converted to FITS) and PRIOR_CAT is the the corresponding prior catalog.

A prior catalog consists in a selection of several columns of the UGRIZ CFHTLS catalog (IDENT, ALPHA, DELTA, UGRIZ magnitudes), merged with some columns of the U band catalog (A_WORLD, B_WORLD, THETA_IMAGE, KRON_RADIUS).

Name Unit Definition
IDENT_CFHTLS [number] Indent
ALPHA_CFHTLS [deg] Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) details
DELTA_CFHTLS [deg] Declination of barycenter (J2000) details
CLASS_STAR_CFHTLS   S/G classifier output
U_STAR_CFHTLS [mag] Object's MAG_AUTO (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude)
G_PRIME_CFHTLS [mag] Object's MAG_AUTO (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude)
R_PRIME_CFHTLS [mag] Object's MAG_AUTO (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude)
I_PRIME_CFHTLS [mag] Object's MAG_AUTO (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude)
Z_PRIME_CFHTLS [mag] Object's MAG_AUTO (Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude)

Columns from the GALEX catalog

Name Unit Definition
NUV_MAG_GALEX [mag] NUV calibrated AB magnitude
NUV_MAGERR_GALEX [mag] NUV calibrated AB magnitude error
FUV_MAG_GALEX [mag] FUV calibrated AB magnitude
FUV_MAGERR_GALEX [mag] FUV calibrated AB magnitude error
NUV_MAG_APER7_GALEX [mag] Magnitude aperture (23.000)
NUV_MAGERR_APER7_GALEX [mag] Magnitude error aperture (23.000)
FUV_MAG_APER7_GALEX [mag] Magnitude aperture (23.000)
FUV_MAGERR_APER7_GALEX [mag] Magnitude error aperture (23.000)
NUV_ALPHA_J2000_GALEX [deg] Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
NUV_DELTA_J2000_GALEX [deg] Declination of barycenter (J2000)
NUV_X_IMAGE_GALEX [pixel] Object position along x
NUV_Y_IMAGE_GALEX [pixel] Object position along y
FUV_ALPHA_J2000_GALEX [deg] Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
FUV_DELTA_J2000_GALEX [deg] Declination of barycenter (J2000)
FUV_X_IMAGE_GALEX [pixel] Object position along x
FUV_Y_IMAGE_GALEX [pixel] Object position along y
NUV_A_IMAGE_GALEX [number] Profile RMS along major axis
NUV_B_IMAGE_GALEX [number] Profile RMS along minor axis
NUV_THETA_IMAGE_GALEX [deg] Position angle (CCW/x)
NUV_KRON_RADIUS_GALEX [pixel] Kron apertures in units of A or B
NUV_ISOAREA_IMAGE_GALEX [number] Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
NUV_MU_MAX_GALEX [number] Peak surface brightness above background
NUV_FOV_RADIUS_GALEX [deg] Distance from center of FOV in degrees
NUV_CN_RADIUS_GALEX [arcsec] Closest neighbor radius in arcseconds
NUV_CN_MAG_GALEX [mag] Closest neighbor NUV AB magnitude
NUV_SKYBG_GALEX [flux] NUV sky background (photons/sec/sq.arcsec)
FUV_CN_MAG_GALEX [mag] Closest neighbor FUV AB magnitude
FUV_SKYBG_GALEX [flux] FUV sky background (photons/sec/sq.arcsec)