Galex Release EMphot 3

    SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions                     
EXTEND  =                    T                                                  
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.   
COMMENT *** EMphot parameters ***                                               
OPTPATH = '/data/dis/sconseil/CFHTLS_T07/W1/' /optical data path                
GALPATH = '/data/dis/sconseil/XMMLSS/XMMLSS_08/INPUT_XMMLSS_08/' /galex data pat
OUTPATH = '/data/dis/sconseil/XMMLSS/XMMLSS_08/OUTPUT_XMMLSS_08_W1_T0007/' /outp
OPTCAT  = 'CFHTLS_W_u_020241-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_021800&'
CONTINUE  '-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_020241-050800_T0007_MED&'
CONTINUE  'IAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022150-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, C&'
CONTINUE  'FHTLS_W_u_020241-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022150-&'
CONTINUE  '050800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_020631-041200_T0007_MEDI&'
CONTINUE  'AN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022150-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CF&'
CONTINUE  'HTLS_W_u_020631-050800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022539-0&'
CONTINUE  '41200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_020631-060400_T0007_MEDIA&'
CONTINUE  'N.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022539-050800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFH&'
CONTINUE  'TLS_W_u_021021-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022539-06&'
CONTINUE  '0400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_021021-050800_T0007_MEDIAN&'
CONTINUE  '.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022929-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHT&'
CONTINUE  'LS_W_u_021021-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022929-050&'
CONTINUE  '800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_021410-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.&'
CONTINUE  'prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_022929-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTL&'
CONTINUE  'S_W_u_021410-050800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_023319-0412&'
CONTINUE  '00_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_021410-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.p&'
CONTINUE  'rior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_023319-050800_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS&'
CONTINUE  '_W_u_021800-041200_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits, CFHTLS_W_u_023319-06040&'
CONTINUE  '0_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits,'
CONTINUE  'ior.fits'                                                            
GALCAT  = 'XMMLSS_08-xd-mcat.fits' /galex xd_mcat catalog                       
GALIMG  = 'XMMLSS_08-nd-int.fits' /galex int image                              
GALRRHR = 'XMMLSS_08-nd-rrhr.fits' /galex rrhr image                            
GALBKG  = 'XMMLSS_08-nd-prior_v3-ref-skybg-ppriorsres-filtered.fits' /galex skyb
PSF     = '../../PSFnuv_faint_crop.fits' /galex psf                             
OUTNAME = 'XMMLSS_08-nd-prior_v3-bgfromdiff' /root name for output files        
WARPNAME= 'XMMLSS_08-nd_warp.coef' /warping file                                
BAND    =                    1 /band used:1=NUV else=FUV                        
SIMU    =                    0 /0=no simu, 1=simu on galex images, 2=total simu 
METHOD  =                    2 /0= dirac, 1= shape, 2=stamp                     
RELOCATE=                    1 /1= use tile recentering                         
RESAMP  =                    5 /oversampling for tile recentering               
SCALEPSF=              1.00000 /1= optimize for psf scale                       
SCALEMIN=             0.600000 /lower bound of psf scale range                  
SCALEMAX=              1.40000 /upper bound of psf scale range                  
SCALERES=            0.0100000 /precision of minimisation on scale              
NIT_FAST=                   50 /number of iterations for the 1st loop           
NIT_FULL=                  200 /number of iterations for the 2nd loop           
MAGLIM  =              25.6203 /upper magnitude limit of priors                 
TILESIZE=                  128 /sub_image size                                  
TILEMARG=              1.00000 /to enlarge the sub-images                       
WRP_USUP=                   21 /mag limit sup for warping                       
WRP_UINF=                   10 /mag limit inf for warping                       
WRP_MRAD=              2.00000 /matching radius                                 
WRP_NDEG=                    2 /degree of polynomial fit                        
EXTRAD  =             0.550000 /radial limit of field (degree)                  
MINPRIOR=             0.600000 /min nb of prior per tile (% of average)         
MINFLUX =                   10 /minimum flux (nb photons)                       
MINACTIV=              20.0000 /min nb of active priors                         
QUIETNB =                    3 /nb of successive times flux<flux_mini           
FLUXINIT=                    1 /0: from UV image, 1: from prior cat values      
SAVE_RAW=                    0 /save results before psfscale or recentering     
CONVOLHR=                    0 /1= convolve stamp at optical resolution         
OPTMASK = 'CFHTLS_W_u_021800-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.mask.reg,CFHTLS_W_u_022150-06&'
CONTINUE  '0400_T0007_MEDIAN.mask.reg&'                                         
CONTINUE  '&' / optical mask region file                                        
GALMASK = 'XMMLSS_08-nd_v1-mask.reg' /GALEX mask file used to flag sources      
COMMENT  This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are         
COMMENT  continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'       
COMMENT  character at the end of a string which is then continued               
COMMENT  on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.                        
COMMENT *** EMphot information ***                                              
VERSION = '3.0 svn:UNKNOWN'    /Version of EMphot used to process data          
DATE    = '2012-12-04'         /File creation date (UTC)                        
FNBDIRAC=                26217 / Number of FUV sources detected with dirac      
FNBSTAMP=                25392 / Number of FUV sources detected with stamp      
NNBDIRAC=                56979 / Number of NUV sources detected with dirac      
NNBSTAMP=                55824 / Number of NUV sources detected with stamp      
IDOFFSET=              1000000 /Offset added to the ident of original priors    
PRIORLST= 'CFHTLS_W_u_021800-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits,CFHTLS_W_u_022150-&'
CONTINUE  '060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior.fits'                                      
STAMPLST= 'CFHTLS_W_u_021800-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior_stamp.fits,CFHTLS_W_u_0&'
CONTINUE  '22150-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.prior_stamp.fits'                          
TILEX0  =                  461 /X origin of the tiles grid                      
TILEY0  =                 1460 /Y origin of the tiles grid                      
FWHM    =        3.43520467371 /FWHM of the PSF                                 
PSFSCALE=             0.946730 /Optimal PSF scale                               
TSIZE_Y =                  128 /vertical tilesize used                          
TSIZE_X =                  127 /horizontal tilesize used                        
SURFACE =   0.4610506944444452 / Processed surface, excluding masked region (in 
K_FUV   =              8.31000 /Galactic extinction correction for FUV          
K_NUV   =              8.74000 /Galactic extinction correction for NUV          
K_USTAR =              4.72000 /Galactic extinction correction for U*           
K_GPRIME=              3.65000 /Galactic extinction correction for G'           
K_RPRIME=              2.69000 /Galactic extinction correction for R'           
K_IPRIME=              2.00000 /Galactic extinction correction for I'           
K_ZPRIME=              1.53000 /Galactic extinction correction for Z'           
F_BIAS  =   -0.000438490465720 /constant flux bias correction                   
MASKLST = 'CFHTLS_W_u_021800-060400_T0007_MEDIAN.mask.reg,CFHTLS_W_u_022150-06&'
CONTINUE  '0400_T0007_MEDIAN.mask.reg&'                                         
COMMENT *** GALEX information ***                                               
RA_CENT =        35.0568390000 / RA center for this field.                      
DEC_CENT=       -6.29755000000 / DEC center for this field.                     
N_ZPMAG =              20.0800 / NUV Zero Point Magnitude                       
F_ZPMAG =              18.8200 / FUV Zero Point Magnitude                       
TILENAME= 'XMMLSS_08'          /                                                
NEXPTIME=              30787.5 /                                                
FEXPTIME=              30536.5 /                                                
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Coordinate Type                                
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Coordinate Type                                
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of Ref. Coord.                         
CD1_1   =   -0.000416666666667 / Degrees / Pixel                                
CD2_1   =       -0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel                                
CD1_2   =       -0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel                                
CD2_2   =    0.000416666666667 / Degrees / Pixel                                
CRPIX1  =        1920.50000000 / Reference Pixel in X                           
CRPIX2  =        1920.50000000 / Reference Pixel in Y                           
CRVAL1  =        35.0568390000 / R.A. (degrees) of reference pixel              
CRVAL2  =       -6.29755000000 / Declination of reference pixel                 
LONPOLE =        180.000000000 / Native longitude of Celestial pole             
LATPOLE =        90.0000000000 / Celestial latitude of native pole              
PV2_1   =        0.00000000000 /Projection parameter 1                          
PV2_2   =        0.00000000000 /Projection parameter 2                          
HISTORY PUTAST: May 13 15:37:52 2013 World Coordinate System parameters written