Photometric Analysis for Redshift Estimate

Arnouts S.  &   Ilbert O.

Latest  Version    Feb. 2011



Le PHARE is a set of fortran commands to compute photometric redshifts and to perform SED fitting. The last version includes new features with FIR fitting and a more complete treatment of physical parameters and uncertainties based on PEGASE and Bruzual & Charlot  population synthesis models

Le PHARE's structure is divided in three parts

  1. Bullet  A preliminary phase where the user selects the SED libraries and filter bands and computes theoretical magnitudes.  The different programs have been developed in order to easily get basic informations relative to the filters (lambda mean, AB-corrections, ...) and SEDs (magnitudes & k-corrections vs z, color-color diagrams, ...)

  1. Bullet  The photometric redshift program. The program is based on a  simple chi2 fitting method between the theoretical  and observed photometric catalogue.

  1. Bullet  A simulation program is also available in order to generate realistic multi-colour catalogues taking into account observational effects.

contact us

If  you have any questions  or comments, please contact us : 

stephane.arnouts@lam.fr   &  olivier.ilbert@lam.fr